Friday, July 20, 2012

Day 3 Versailles

July14, 2012

This day we had a wonderful breakfast at the hotel. Then we went to the Palace of Versailles. We had an hour and a half tour around the Palace, straight to the King's room and out the Queen's room. We also saw the famous Hall of Mirrors. We were going to use a golf cart for Amanda's baby bump to tour the Gardens because they are so big!!!!!!! But they had none left! So we walked. :(
We left and had dinner. We had bad Thai in Versailles. It was good but really bad. Then we went back to the palace again for the fountains, laser light and fireworks show. It was a holiday for Bastilles Day. The fireworks danced, puffed, exploded and did the best that TNT could do! The fountains in the gardens danced to music with lights flashing and smoke blowing. It was so much fun to run around the gardens and see the show!!

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