Friday, July 20, 2012

Paris to home


We slept in for 2 hours. Then we went to a fancy hotel called Hotel du Crillion to have brunch.The brunch we had was so good and so beautiful! I had a beautiful boiled egg, an avocado mousse with crab, and more! Then is was late lucky things shopping. Another fast train ride home of 3 hours, this time it was a two storied train and we sat up top. We had an early sleep and a good sleep that night we were all so exhausted.

Day 3 Versailles

July14, 2012

This day we had a wonderful breakfast at the hotel. Then we went to the Palace of Versailles. We had an hour and a half tour around the Palace, straight to the King's room and out the Queen's room. We also saw the famous Hall of Mirrors. We were going to use a golf cart for Amanda's baby bump to tour the Gardens because they are so big!!!!!!! But they had none left! So we walked. :(
We left and had dinner. We had bad Thai in Versailles. It was good but really bad. Then we went back to the palace again for the fountains, laser light and fireworks show. It was a holiday for Bastilles Day. The fireworks danced, puffed, exploded and did the best that TNT could do! The fountains in the gardens danced to music with lights flashing and smoke blowing. It was so much fun to run around the gardens and see the show!!

Day 2 in Paris to Versailles

Bright and early, Amanda's Aunt and Mom met us at our hotel in Paris.  We then on the most famous street we went shopping on the CHAMPS ELYSSEE! And we went by the one the only........ Arc De Triomphe!!! At 2:00pm we went to the Eiffel Tower AGAIN!!!Then a Boat Cruise around beautiful Paris!! We saw every single thing! The Lourve, Musee d'Orsay, Notre Damn and more! After that me and Chris went on my first Ferris Wheel ride!! It's huge, I felt like I was going to fall! Then very late we caught the train to Versailles. For the first time ever I had Indian in Versailles, I loved it!!

Paris Bonjour :)


On a HIGH SPEED TRAIN we went to Paris! It was only 3 hours away!! By car it takes 5 hours, the HIGH SPEED cuts 2 hours. The train went 318 km!!! When we got there we put our stuff at the hotel and relaxed for about 1 hour. Then we went to the Louvre Museum! We saw the one.... the only........
MONA LISA!!! It is smaller then everyone describes. Then we went to dinner. We went to what sounds a simple dinner. Steak+Fries for fun! Great dinner, they keep giving you  more until you say no more! Then on the worst night of rain and coldness we stood at the top of the Eiffel Tower! The video will explain more :( But it was still amazing!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Cuckoo Clock

HI,We went to Triberg,Germany today to see the "World's Largest Cuckoo Clock!" This doc. will tell you everything I say. The doc. represents  what is the cuckoo clock and this is also inside the Cuckoo Clock. Hope you enjoy the pictures and birds poping out.
                        Happy Girl,
                                                Isa :)

This was a copy of what i was going to say. You might enjoy the robot with the clock backpack better!


Oh cows, they are everywhere in Switzerland!!! Switzerland is known for great humorous cows! They most go running because there is a bunch of running trails. I think they do because their farmers are probably running after them!

Friday, July 6, 2012


This day I watched project runway and did everything I needed to do. On the way to dinner we saw the pig tran!!! The place was called " Zic-Zac". Great place to eat. I had spaghetti for dinner and ice cream for dessert.

  That morning I brought lucy in the backyard to explore. Guess what? She fell in a hole and I saved her!!!Then i made some of the best marinate sauce in the WORLD!!! Yes I did. Then we went to the Rheinfalls!!! One of the most beautiful places in the world. The videos and pics will explain more.On the way home we went through sunflower fields. Then when we got home Amanda chopped up some veggies, and that was the worst............ stick because it was to short!!! THE WORLDS BEST CHICKEN COB BOBS!!! Then we went to the 4th  of july picnic!!! I used the last of my energy on little kids and it was worth it!! HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went to Starbucks with all the lady's and Amanda. Her friends Katie,Kelly,Jen + Alice are sssooo nice! At about 3:00pm we went to a little city named Lucern. I got some SWISS ARMY KNIFES. They are super 100% real! The knifes are so nice that the shine on them is always there. After that  we waited for amanda's mom and aunt on there tour bus to arrive. Then we went to this yummy dinner place called ''The Swiss House''. It was a great beautiful meal. The lady cooked it right infront of us. I fell asleep on the 1 hour train ride home.WE SAW A LOT OF BIRDS AND SWANS!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

A bad day

Today is pretty bad because it is just raining cats and dogs. Yesterday night there was rain and hail i slept through it all! It's just a rainy day with with a bunch of rain!Amanda had to clean. I felt bad for her. I sat down watched tv and wrote post cards.
Rome was very hot but fun! It was 110f, we are here during the hottest summer they have had in 20 years!!

We had wonderful breakfast at the hotel which of course included Nutella, then we took the Metro to the Colosseum for a tour which took us into the pits, it was the best tour I've ever had.

We then took a double decker hop on, hop off bus around the city, seeing the historical sights of Rome. After a while we hopped off and went to the Hard Rock cafe for lunch. It was good to have a cheese burger after so much pasta!

We went to our hotel in the afternoon for a Siesta, your probably thinking a siesta is a party, but actually it's a nap in the middle of the day.

Before dinner we took the hop on, hop off bus to a pizza place named Grill.

I'm pleading the 5th about Gelato, other than it was good.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Roma or Rome

Now we just got off a short flight that I sleeped on. This morning we all had to wake up at 5:00!!! So we are in Rome taking a square taxi to our hotel. We are going to get around town by metro and subway. We will walk or take a metro to the........ VATICAN!!!!!!!! Do not worry mom I will get something for you there.