Thursday, June 28, 2012

Roma or Rome

Now we just got off a short flight that I sleeped on. This morning we all had to wake up at 5:00!!! So we are in Rome taking a square taxi to our hotel. We are going to get around town by metro and subway. We will walk or take a metro to the........ VATICAN!!!!!!!! Do not worry mom I will get something for you there.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Today we went to breakfast at the hotel,we had yummy fruit and toast! After breakfast we went on The World's Most Boring Tour!!! After 1 hours we ditched it, it wad 2 hours!!hehe: So we got some fruit for lunch and then we went to our hotel to freshen up. Then we went on a gondola, so cooolllll!!! Last we took a nap for two hours.but I found some very nice masks for dress up and one is not shown because it needs to be kept rapped.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


We had a small flight and we went on on a water Taxi. The whole city is built on water! The bridge's are so low that i could almost touch them!!!


Today or this morning we went for a walk with Amanda's friend Ruth. I took The Neon Bike and the ladies walked. Ruth is having a baby soon, actually very soon! We went on 4 bridges and we saw a lock! You are probably thinking what is so exciting about a lock. Well a lock is where the Rhein is, when boats come through it's a whole different story. So the level of the water is different,they make a 10-15 minute process. There is a gate that keeps the levels straight so the boat does not go down a mini waterfall. First, they tie the boat to the dock and say ready or give a thumbs up! Next, they still do not open the gate but they start to drain out the water like a bathtub. Then they turn the boats engine on because they turned it off before they started the water lowering process. Last and final, they open the gates and let the boat stroll down the river!

Sunday, June 24, 2012


On Friday we drove to Fussen in Germany from Switzerland. On the way we were surprised that we had to go through Austria as well. Thats means we went to 3 countries in one day.

In this area there are two really famous castles. Hohenschwangau and Neuschwanstein. Both were were Kind Ludwig II grew up and lived. The most famous castles is Neuschwanstein. It is so beautiful that Walt Disney got his idea for Cinderella's castle at Disney from here. Ludwig spent 17 years building but died before he finished or lived in it. Here is some more information:

Seven weeks after the death of KingLudwig II in 1886, Neuschwanstein was opened to the public. The shy king had built the castle in order to withdraw from public life – now vast numbers of people came to view his private refuge.
Today Neuschwanstein is one of the most popular of all the palaces and castles in Europe. Every year 1.3 million people visit "the castle of the fairy-tale king". In the summer around 6,000 visitors a day stream through rooms that were intended for a single inhabitant.
The setting of Neuschwanstein could not be more idyllic. However, movement in the foundation area has to be continuously monitored, and the sheer rock walls must be repeatedly secured. The harsh climate also has a detrimental effect on the limestone façades, which will have to be renovated section by section over the next few years.

On the way home we played "would you rather" and we also went on a Car Ferry across Lake Konstanz. It was interesting to see a bunch of cars on a boat. I realized that they had to level out the ferry or else it would tip. We did so much walking our feet were tingling!

Friday, June 22, 2012


The rest of the world uses the metric system and only the U.S. uses imperial system. I notice that during the ride in the car.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Friends please fell free to add comments and to ask me questions!!! I check this everyday :-)

Fynn play :)

Mommy, were do you think Fynn would be playing right now? Please tell me or it is better to ask him!

At the Park

I did a hand stand into a bridge, the first time was a fail but the second one was a success!!! I did 2 successful kart-wheels!

Water land

I am at a awesome waterpark with my aunt it is great$.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


It's Chris & Amanda's baby!!! On the monitor it was moving!!! The baby's heart beat was strong and healthy!


I am in the hospital in Basel with Amanda. She is doing tests for baby Lucas. I LOVE baby's!!! It's warm in the hospital because they have no AC. But that is a good thing because it's cold outside.
crazy coaster today 6/20/12

just kiding

Im in an ice cream coma. We ordered a mini and it's as big as my head!!!

Today i went to a very very very old church it was beautiful. I took the mini ferry to the other side of the Rhein to get to my Aunts house in Basel. The Rhein had such a strong current that it looked like the buoys had jet engines. The Rhein runs from Switzerland to Amsterdam. I wish all of you were in Switzerland with me.